Rio de Janeiro by Cariocas Travel Privacy Policy

The privacy of your data is very important to Rio de Janeiro by Cariocas Travel. This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, process and disclose your personal information, due to your access and use of the Rio de Janeiro by Cariocas Travel. The information you share with us helps us to improve our services. We protect the personal information we collect and help ensure that your personal information is treated correctly.

Who we are

Rio de Janeiro by Cariocas Travel is an online travel agency run by locals who are passionate about Rio de Janeiro. We are specialists in custom travel planning and private unique experiences run by locals. Through our website, you can book our services and also find authentic reports, ideas for itineraries, tips that facilitate planning, and fantastic travel experiences to Rio de Janeiro and Brazil.

Learn a little more about our history.

What personal data we collect and why

All the data we collect is used to provide our services, and it is worth remembering, we highly appreciate your privacy. For this reason, all data and information about you are treated as confidential, and we will only use it for the purposes described and authorized by you, mainly so that you can use our services fully, always aiming to improve your experience as a user. In this way, we will be able to personalize the service so that it adapts more and more to your tastes and interests. Also, your data can be used to create new services, products, and features.

We will use the data to monitor the actions of visitors to the pages, to create profiles of these people based on the data of their behavior and to verify what their interests are, to classify and qualify these people according to that profile, and to create dynamic lists of these people to execute targeted marketing actions, which are performed automatically according to the ranking of your website visitors.

When visitors leave messages on the site, we collect the information shown in the comment form, in addition to the visitor’s IP address and browser data, to assist in the detection of spam.

An anonymized string of characters created from your email (also called a hash) can be sent to Gravatar to verify that you use the service. Gravatar’s privacy policy is available here:

After your comment is approved, your profile photo may be publicly visible next to your comment.

We use an anti-spam service called Akismet that needs to use some information from users of the site to function properly. Their details can be found below.


We have forms in various areas of the website to provide extra services to people who browse Rio de Janeiro by Cariocas Travel. Most do not collect data for marketing purposes, except for the newsletter subscription and comment forms described below.

The elements that can be obtained by the forms are name, e-mail, message, telephone, age, city, state, name and quantity of your currency, number of people, number of children, and period of travel. Each of them is necessary for the correct functioning of the corresponding service.

However, we do not store on our servers any information obtained by any form (except for the comment form as explained above).

Embedded media from other sites

Articles on this site may include embedded content, such as videos, images, articles, etc. Embedded content from other sites behaves in the same way as if the visitor were browsing the other site.

These addresses may collect data about you, use cookies, incorporate additional third-party tracking and monitor your interaction with this associated content, including your interaction with that content and whether you have an account and are connected to it.

Some of them and their privacy policies are:

  • Google Maps (

  • Facebook (

  • YouTube (

  • Vimeo (

  • SoundCloud (

With whom we share your data

No data collected and stored on our servers is shared with external companies for marketing purposes.

Members of our team (administrators and editors) have access to the information you provide us. They both can access:

Form submission information and other details related to it.

Customer information like your name, email and address information.

Our team members have access to this information to help fulfill entries and support you.

Also, some form data for the proper functioning of the services offered by Rio de Janeiro by Cariocas can be sent and processed by other sites as explained below.


Data: The comment form data containing the IP, user agent, referrer, name, email, website and message will be shared with the Akismet service.

Reason: For the sole purpose of checking whether the comment is spam.

Privacy policy:


Data: Email, post ID or comment and, if it is a new subscription, server data and IP.

Reason: This data is used exclusively to monitor and prevent abuse and spam, in addition to allowing the user to receive the alert to respond to comments that they have registered.

Privacy policy:


Data: Name and email.

Reason: This data is sent to MailChimp so that we can maintain the email list of people who have subscribed to our newsletters.

Privacy policy:


Reason: We accept payments through PayPal. When processing payments, some of your data will be passed to PayPal, including information required to process or support the payment, such as the purchase total and billing information.

Privacy policy: Please see the PayPal Privacy Policy for more details. 

Super Socializer

Social Login: We collect your public profile data only from your consent that you grant before initiating Social Login, from the social network used to login at our website. This data includes your first name, last name, email address, link to your social media profile, unique identifier, link to social profile avatar. This data is used to create your user profile at our website. You can revoke this consent at any time by sending us an email.

Facebook Comments: We embed Facebook Comments plugin to allow you to leave comment at our website using your Facebook account. This plugin may collect your IP address, your web browser User Agent, store and retrieve cookies on your browser, embed additional tracking, and monitor your interaction with the commenting interface, including correlating your Facebook account with whatever action you take within the interface (such as “liking” someone’s comment, replying to other comments), if you are logged into Facebook. For more information about how this data may be used, please see Facebook’s data privacy policy:

Social Analytics for Sharing: We use Google Analytics to track social shares made at our website. Google automatically collect and store certain information in their server logs which includes device event information such as crashes, system activity, hardware settings, browser type, browser language, the date and time of your request and referral URL, cookies that may uniquely identify your browser or your Google Account, in accordance with their data privacy policy:

Pinterest Save official button: We use Pinterest Save widget at our website to allow you to pin images to Pinterest from our webpages. These requests may track your IP address in accordance with their data privacy policy:

How long do we keep your data?

If you leave a comment, the message and its metadata will be kept indefinitely. We do this so that it is possible to automatically recognize and approve any subsequent comments instead of retaining them for moderation.

What are your rights over your data?

If you have left comments on this site, you can request an exported file of the personal data we maintain, including any information you have provided to us. You can also request the removal of any personal information we hold about you. This does not include any data that we are required to maintain for administrative, legal, or security purposes.

Contact information

You can contact us using the form on this page.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may undergo updates. Therefore, we recommend visiting this page periodically so that you are aware of the changes. If any relevant changes are made that give rise to new authorizations from you, we will publish a new privacy policy.

Before using information for purposes other than those defined in this Privacy Policy, we will ask for your authorization.

Applicable Law

This document is governed and must be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil. The Rio de Janeiro District Forum is elected as the competent body to resolve any issues arising from this document, with express waiver of any other, however privileged it may be.

Cookies policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files saved on your device that can identify your browser.

What are they used for?

Cookies allow a website or service to check that your device has already visited a page and then deliver better and more personalized information, improving your experience with the page. Cookies can also be used to show more relevant marketing campaigns according to your browsing profile.

Cookies used here on Rio de Janeiro by Cariocas

When you leave a comment on the site, your name and email may be saved in your browser’s cookies. This is for your comfort, so you won’t have to fill them in again when you make another comment. These cookies last for a year.

We also use other cookies that may be necessary for the site to function properly, to improve performance, to add features or services (such as Facebook or YouTube), and to show more relevant advertisements when necessary.

How long will cookies stay on my device?

The duration of a cookie depends on the type of use. Some will only last while you are browsing the site, others for a few hours or a few days, and others will stay longer.

How do I remove cookies from my device?

Do not worry. You can delete cookies whenever you want, just enter your browser settings and follow the instructions. As each browser is different, we suggest looking in the developer’s documentation to find out.

It is also possible to disable cookies, but most websites, like ours, depend on them for the correct functioning. That is, if you disable it, it is possible that the page will look ugly or that some parts will stop working.

Terms of use

Be sure to also check out the Rio de Janeiro by Cariocas Terms and Conditions of Use.